Georgina Whitehead

MMus, BMus (Hons), LTCL, MISM
A Fun & Unique Approach To Music Learning
Violin, Guitar, Piano & Ukulele Tuition
Professional Educator and Performer For All

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Monthly Archives: July 2014

Georgina Whitehead’s Blog: 5 Tips to Finding a Tip Top Music Teacher

Georgina Whitehead

Searching for a new music teacher for yourself or your child can be a daunting task. Here are 5 tips to assist with your search for a music tutor: 1. Check the teacher is qualified and CRB checked in your chosen instrument discipline. 2. Book a trial lesson to ‘test the water’ , ask to sit in the lesson if it’s your child’s lesson. 3. Ask the teacher if they are member of a musicians union. 4. Ask for references from the tutor if you still feel uncertain. 5. Try a few teachers in your local area before committing to […]

Absolute Duo News

Absolute Duo recently received a repeat booking request days after a concert for  Music in Hospitals charity. They were asked to return to perform by the same venue in Haslemere later on this year.  The host of the venue described Absolute Duo’s performance as ‘the best Friday concert we have ever had’. Share:Facebook0TwitterGooglePinterest0Linkedin0Email

New Website

Welcome to the new website for Georgina Whitehead. Browse around and enjoy! Join the mailing list to keep updated 😉   Share:Facebook0TwitterGooglePinterest0Linkedin0Email

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